How PRP Treatment Can Help You Overcome an Injury
If you experience a musculoskeletal injury, you want to find the best solution for your healing. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment might be your answer.
At Regenerative Spine and Pain Institute in Plainsboro Township and Manalapan, New Jersey, Ronak D. Patel, MD, and our pain team are PRP specialists. This method of therapy not only helps you heal, but it also speeds up the amount of time it takes to recover.
How PRP works
When you visit us for your procedure, we first take a small sample of your blood and put it in a centrifuge to spin at high speeds. The machine separates your blood from your platelet-rich plasma, which contains growth factors that generate new cell and tissue generation.
Next, we numb your injured area to keep you comfortable. We then inject your plasma into it. We may also use an ultrasound to visually make sure we deliver the injection to the exact spot needed. Once we start your procedure, the process takes about 30 minutes depending on the location of your injury.
After your procedure, you can get back to your daily routine if your injury permits. You won’t need any time to recover from the PRP injections.
What to expect after PRP
After your PRP therapy, the plasma goes to work immediately by stimulating your natural healing process. In most cases, PRP injections should be given up to three times within a six-month period for the maximum benefit. You should notice a considerable improvement after the first or second treatment.
We also continually monitor your healing to make sure you have a successful outcome.
Which injuries does PRP treat?
PRP proves to be an effective treatment for a variety of painful injuries, such as:
- Tennis elbow
- Shoulder, hip, and spine injuries
- ACL injuries
- Ankle sprains
- Ligament sprains
- Back and neck injuries
- Muscle and tendon injuries
PRP can be used for most musculoskeletal injuries. Dr. Patel can determine if you’re a candidate for the procedure at your appointment.
The safety of PRP
Your PRP treatment comes directly from your own blood and tissues, making it safe. You also have very little chance of developing any allergic reactions or experiencing side effects.
Are you interested in learning more about PRP therapy? Contact Dr. Patel and our team by phone today at the location nearest you or book your appointment online. You can also send us a message if you have any questions.